Sunday, April 15, 2012

DIY bib and washcloth

I am so excited to post these pictures. It's a rare thing for me to finish something I start. Much less finish it with straight seams and few frustrating moments. It's mostly due to me s.l.o.w.i.n.g down and taking my time. Novel idea, right?

I have loved this fabric for a while but it's not great quality so I've been hesitant to use it. 
When I saw this "baby scrubbie" with the same fabric I got motivated.
I didn't use the tutorial but it's pretty similar. 

This is the pattern I used for the bib. 
She has a great tutorial for a cute scrappy bib that I hope to try.

They are going to a special little bun in the oven. 
I can't wait until he is ready for bath time and drooling!

P.s. Once it was finished I didn't even notice the quality of the fabric. It's not terrible but I'm a sucker for expensive threads. Get it? Not in my closet but definitely for sewing :) 


Mary Lee said...

I love this...fabric and style.

Kelly said...

very cute--good job!!