Monday, May 20, 2013

Just a little update

A little update on where we've been, where we're going, what we're doing and why! I should start from the beginning. It's much easier that way. 

This is our house in Sioux Falls, South Dakota where Nathan is in school. He did two years of medical school and one year of his PhD. I taught 2 year olds.

Our house in the early fall.

...AND the view from our house in the winter.

My first year here we discovered we needed to go to Long Island to finish his PhD. So we did. 

We lived here, in Oyster Bay, for a year and a half.  It was great. Nate worked on his PhD and I taught two year olds, again! We learned all the Yankee social graces like cussing on the Long Island Expressway, folding our pizza and hatin on Jersey. We were naturals. 

But once Nate defended his PhD, in December, it was time to leave. :(

Originally we thought we'd go back to Sioux Falls after NY. However the lab, where Nate was working, collaborated with Dr's in Italy and when we found out we could go, we jumped on it. 
We came here to Pisa, Italy in the middle of February.


Now we have just under three weeks left. 
We are sad but have a lot to be thankful for and look forward to. 

When we go back to Sioux Falls in June, Nate will start his 3rd year of med school and I will find a job a teaching. And we will finally have these goofy dogs under one roof again!